Sunday 28 February 2016

Greatness- February 23, 2016

Somewhere I once read the line, "Good is the enemy of great." Next time I do something important to me, I am going to ask a simple question. "Is this the best I can do?" It could be satisfactory work, but I am not going through life being satisfied. I am going through life to be great. To live an exciting life. To be the best father possible. Being satisfied is no longer accepted by me. I cannot reach my potential be being satisfied. 'Good enough' is no longer 'good enough'. If being satisfied and good enough works for you, that's fine, you're life. It doesn't work for me. Not anymore. I have begun to live my life striving for greatness every day. Once I reach a pinnacle, I will look to the next mountain top. And when my bones turn to dust and my eyes close for the very last time, I will have no regrets. Just greatness.

Achieving greatness is not easy. It doesn't happen overnight. Greatness is a lifestyle. A choice of how you live. How hard you work. I used to go through life not doing anything to be great. Depression restricted my life. It really did and it still does at times. I don't compare myself to others. People tend to do that. I am sure I probably did it once or twice before. It humours me now. People, looking for others' approval or trying to be better than someone else. Here's an idea; try to be better than yourself. Each day, try to be better than the previous day. The previous hour, the previous minute. Time doesn't stop. Your greatness doesn't have to either. You have to be your own benchmark. Keep getting better. Break your own records.

How to be great? I am a strong believer that everyone is unique and they can be great by focusing on the 'controllable factors' in their life. An illness somewhat controlled me for some years. I am working on fixing that. Once I get some kind of stranglehold on my Depression, I will be able to live my life and be great. What am I going to do? I have some ideas.

1) Smile more. Hopefully the medication does its job so I can get my smile back. No point going through life sour. Smile, people are more opened to someone smiling. Don't go through life with a frown on. Hard to have fun that way. Outside of having a medical condition, you can control your smile.

2) Read and write. Majority of people read. But how many write? I have found that writing has changed my life. I journal every day. I am reading more than ever, as well. That's how I learn. That's how I strive to my greatness. I reflect on my writings to see how far I have come and to monitor my daily improvements, or regressions, in life. I am not longer arrogant or stubborn. I embrace learning. Reading and writing make me great.

3) You must play your own drum and go to the beat of it. I am not suggesting becoming an ego-maniac. Not one bit. But you have to live your life, your way. Don't worry about what people think. Do not look for their approval. The hell with them. I like to use shopping with the opposite sex as an example. Whether it is a flaw or weak point of mine, I don't care. I hate shopping with women. If I go to a store, I have a reason, purpose, and goal. Rarely do I leave with more. And when I shop, I wouldn't ask the people I am with if they like the shirt I like or thinking of buying. They're not wearing it, so why should I care? Well, women used to get mad at me when I went to stores with them. "What do you think of this T.J.?" Or, "Do you like this colour?" My honest response was blunt, and often perceived as rude. I would reply, "I don't care. You have to wear it." How the hell am I suppose to know if that shirt makes you happy or not or if it is nice. I didn't study fashion. I am a functional-clothes-wearing-athlete. Buy what makes you happy, not what pleases someone else.

4) Set daily attainable goals. When you reach a 'set goal', you feel better. Here's my example. Since my diagnosed, I have set small daily task. Like, shave my beard or check the mail or workout. The point is, whether it is big or small goal, you feel great about it when you reached it. All the small daily goals added up become a pretty accomplished week. My goal today? Shave and define my goatee. Simple.

5) Do 150 push-ups per day. If you do that in sets of 25, six times a day, seven days a week, you will end up doing 1,050 push-ups per week. I am doing some as I write this entry. I feel myself getting stronger. I see more definition in my chest. I have more confidence. It just makes me better. I do the push-ups regardless of my daily workout. It takes maybe 5 minutes a day. I find it effective.

6) Talk to at least one friend daily. May sound simple, but when I was in the midst of my Depression, I didn't speak to my dearest friends. I felt the disconnect. It was my fault. I knew it, but felt so shitty. I didn't want to bother them with my issues.

7) Gratitude. Be thankful. We tend to forget to be gracious. I even caught myself saying thank you as the dealer was dealing cards last night while playing cribbage. Two simple words that have so much weight and meaning.

8) Accept challenges. I used to turn away from things. Simple things such as a phone call. I avoided everything in my life that was potential to cause me more stress. Don't be afraid of challenges. Before your time is up, you will encounter a lot. Be ready to tackle them.

9) Get up early. This will be a tough one for me. A challenge (Point #8). I don't mean get up at 8:00 am (Which is early for me). I mean 5:00 or 6:00 am. Get up and it will give you an extra hour or two each day. More time to live life. "Not enough time in the day", is what they say. Well, my answer is, create the time. I am going to try to get up every morning at 6:00 am and hopefully be at the gym by 7 am. It won't be easy for me, but it is something I can control. Something I am aiming for.

10) Do not live life in fear. I used to fear everything imaginable. Stupid little things. I used to fear people. I often write and think about fear. There's only one fear I have now, and that's the demons inside of me. External things do not scare me anymore. Reason why? Well, honestly, I do not fear death anymore. It doesn't scare me anymore. Pain, I love it. Living a fearless life gives me confidence and potential for greatness. People do not scare me anymore. If you been to where I have been, you would understand why. There is nothing for me to fear anymore. Fear should fear me.

These are just 10 ideas I am going to live by. I developed these ideas from reading, research, and reflection. I borrowed some of the ideas and put my own twist on some of the others. Bottom line is, greatness doesn't come to you. It doesn't find you. You have to seek out your greatness. Your greatness will be different than mine. Rich or poor, strong or weak, old or young, sick or not, anyone can become great. Greatness requires hard work, discipline, and commitment. All three elements are free and controllable. How great can I be? I have no limitations, therefore, in my opinion, my greatness can be infinite and powerful. I am going to be great. I am going to change my life.

"Greatness comes from fear. Fear can either shut us down and we go home, or we fight through it."
                                                                                                                        - Lionel Ritchie

Yours Truly,

T.J Smith

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