Monday 7 October 2019

Unworthy and Unlovable October 7, 2019

If you make enough wrong turns, you will get lost. If you keep making the same turns, you’ll end up in a circle.

I fall into the latter category.

Gary Zukav explains it like this…

’Unworthiness is the inmost frightening thought that you do not belong, no matter how much you want to belong, that you are an outsider and will always be an outsider. It is the idea that you are flawed and cannot be fixed. It is wanting to be loved and feeling unlovable, or wanting to love and feel that you are uncapable of loving ‘.

Of all the symptoms from depression, the feeling of unworthiness stays with me the longest. When I become hopeless, I can again find hope. Suicidal thoughts stem from the roots of not feeling worthy. If there is no worth to my life, why shall I live?

When I make a new friend, there is hope that it is a relationship that can last, regardless of how close we may or may not get. It is being in meaningful relationships that help with feeling worthy. Worthy to be accepted by another being. Worthy to be in their company. Worthy to be loved.

With me, there is baggage and skeletons. Truth is, some bad decisions were made when I was younger. That’s where growing up comes into play. Ashamed of my past actions, I still have to relive them when someone poses a question of my history.

That part really bothers me. A lot.

If someone I met today judged me on my early twenties, they would see a shitty, ungrateful person that was arrogant and had zero repercussions. Thus, they probably wouldn’t want me in their life. I don’t blame them.

That’s not me anymore. Change is one of the top ten values I live by.

The caterpillar is a wormy looking bug that would make us cringe almost every time because we are unsure of it. But at some point, the caterpillar thinks to themselves and says, ‘Fuck this. I am done being an insect that moves slowly through life’. Then, that same bug decides to go into a shell for some time. When they exit the cocoon, they have changed into something completely different. A butterfly. A magnificently looking winged life form. They can fly to wherever they want in life.

My journey is that of the caterpillar. Though, I am not yet the butterfly I want to be, I am working to get there.

Then my mind reminds me of my biggest flaw; being unlovable. The flaws outweigh the positives. There may be more quantity of the positives, but the quality of the flaws always come back to get me. Being unlovable is in the equation to the feeling of loneliness, as well.

Unlovable and lonely. Two terrible and terrifying traits to have. No one wants to be with someone who is unlovable and therefore you are left alone.

This is would have been my 2009 dating profile;

An arrogant and selfish young man that has no idea what he wants out of life. I get black out drunk on weekends and in that state of mind, I try to pick up women, hoping the liquor charm is working that night and can get lucky. My other hobbies include gambling to a point where I spend all my money and have to lie to my parents to send more. I don’t workout or diet properly. I don’t read books. I don’t even know what mental health means, so certainly don’t want to know about that.  

As I write that description, tears fill my eyes. That’s who I was. That was my legacy during that time in my life. I mean, how am I not desirable? Unworthy and unlovable. I wonder why I really believe that. It makes sense now.

It really hurts to think of how I was. I am embarrassed and it makes me cry.      
Fast forward ten years.

Look in the mirror. What image do I see? An unlovable and lonely man. Though, so much has changed in my life, those two flaws are still with me.

I do believe I will be alone my whole life. That’s a truth I believe. Since then, I have been in a few romantic relationships. And they have all ended the same, me being too hard to love and ultimately, me being alone, once again.

But I am not that same 23-year-old. Things are different now. Immensely.

There’s a son and dog in my life. I’ve faced and fought serious demons with my battle against depression. Those demons don’t scare me anymore. I have reconnected with my parents. I don’t drink like I used to, actually, don’t drink much at all.

The gambling has been eliminated, even though that was my greatest struggle. Addiction, in my words, ‘doing something that you know is unhealthy but makes you feel so good for the moment’. Addicts know what I mean.

I have become a mental health advocate. Helping others through my experiences. Listening to their stories to help them fight their own battles.

I am currently in the best physical shape of my life. Going to the gym used to be considered a chore for me. Now, I love it. Seeing changes in my body. The work is paying off. In addition to the exercise, I have changed my diet as well.

I have entered into a By-Election to become a councillor in my hometown of St. Anthony.

Yes, externally, life is way better than 10 years ago.

Inside though, there is the unlovable, unworthy, and lonely person. This is a riddle I can’t solve, so it seems.

Every action in life results in reactions by others. Every step that I perceived to be making in the right direction, there always be someone left out along the way.

I can battle depression and anxiety and all that comes with it. My next personal challenge is to figure out why I am unlovable and unworthy. Searching for something you have no idea where to find it will take time and perseverance. Failures will happen. Obstacles are in the way. Emotions will be on that roller coaster. The uncertainty will be extreme.

I will not give up. Never. Life is a journey and along the way, we need to take ownership of ourselves. Right now, I am sick and tired of not being good enough, being unlovable, being alone. I am. It sucks.

Storms do create damage. But storms don’t last forever. And when the storms are over, the butterfly will then fly.

"Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way".
                                                               - Les Brown

Yours Truly,

T.J. Smith