Wednesday 16 March 2016

Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy

I have referred to Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy. This is for me, but also for others, so they know. Ironically, one of my dad's favorite movies is "One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", starring Jack Nicholson. I also liked the film. Haven't seen it since I have been diagnosed. I will watch it again soon. It was made in 1975. Technology in the medical world has come a long way since then. I have attached the YouTube clip at the bottom of this blog. This scene may have help create the stigma behind ECT and Mental Illness in general. One part happened to me. The part that stands out to me is the mouth guard. It is used to prevent the jaw from biting down. So, in the following words, I recorded my first ECT experience. I started from the night before and kept notes until after it. In all honesty, if the doctors and nurses would let me, I would video record one of my treatments and share it. The way I see it, it is my chemotherapy. It is my treatment.

Night Before- March 14, 2016 11:05 pm- Psych Unit Bedroom
As I prepare for my first ECT tomorrow morning, I had to do some preparation tonight. I wasn't allowed to eat after 10:00 pm. Apparently, I could vomit while without even knowing due to my body having no connection to my mind and my muscles not knowing. I have been drinking water to stay hydrated, but can't drink after midnight. It may sound scary. Being induce into a seizure. Pretty wild stuff this medical science is. I don't think tomorrow I will be allow to video record my treatment, but I am hoping in the future I can. It may scare some people. I would use it as an education tool. It is myself and I am comfortable with videoing recording myself. I also feel it could help stop the stigma behind ECTs and Mental Health treatments. Showing my video, someone that is going through Depression, may help someone else. I am stubborn and will request to be videoed, but in the end, it is the Doc's call. I trust him with my life.

Day of Treatment- Prior to ECT- March 15, 2016- Between 7-9 am- Psych Unit
Apart from my sleeping, sorry, lack thereof, I have been anxious and restless all morning. I woke at 4:53 am. Couldn't get back to sleep. I am hungry and thirsty. I am not allow to ingest anything.

At 9:30 am, 30 minutes before my ECT, I have changed into my hospital clothes and set to head down to the procedure room.

I lid on the stretcher bed. There were six professionals there with me. Could appear to be imitating. I wasn't. They placed a warm blanket over me. I was cozy.

The nurses and doctors begin to hook me up to EKG cords (I am guessing). Almost like they were hooking up jumper cables to a car battery. Well, that's what it reminded me of. That was the easy part.

Next was the IV into the vein. Nurse missed the vein with the first shot. So, she regrouped and picked another location. She succeeded the second time. When the liquid began to seep into my right arm, it became cool and it felt good. The needle didn't hurt me.

Next, the nurse (I think she is a nurse), put an oxygen face pump over my mouth and nose. She was awesome. She told me to take deep breaths. I obliged. Then the anesthesiologist, you know, the doctor that injects you with the juice that puts you out, came in. I can't remember but I believe the nurse put an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. Again, she told me to breathe deep and think of a happy place. I pictured myself on the ice at the Mariners Centre coaching my son and my players. She told me to keep my eyes open as long as possible. I didn't last a minute. I was out. I tried to fight it, but I lost.

Post Procedure
Honestly, I don't know what they done to me. All I know my seizure lasted for two minutes, so I am told. When I came to, only the nurses were present. I guess the doctors done their part of the procedure. I remember most of the procedure. I guess when I came to, I asked for a coffee. I was alert in no time. I got stretchered back to the Psych Ward after a few blood pressure readings. A few, in this case, means a lot.

When I was back on the Unit, nurses continued to take my blood pressure and temperature until 1:00 pm, I think. I got a coffee and two slices of toast. in me around 11:00 am. I didn't feel tired until 1:00 pm. At 2:00 pm, I took a nap.

My first impression? Great experience. I felt alive just a little bit more. Best mood I had in weeks, possibly months. I was joking with the nursing staff, extracting smiles and laughter from them. That's when I realized I was in a good mood. That's when they realized I was in a better mood. It went smooth for me.

It was painless and efficient. Quick. My next ECT is Thursday, March 17, 2016. I look forward to it.

Yours Truly,

T.J. Smith

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