Thursday 31 March 2016

A Different Bad Night- Sunday, March 13, 2016

Here we go again. The empty feeling I know all too well. My soul is absent. My feelings are void. My mind is racing wildly. My vision seems blurred. Only positive is I haven't had too many thoughts of suicide. Just one. A new creative way. It's too dark and dangerous to share, even for me and my illness.

I can't slow my mind down. Cannot organize the simplest of thoughts. Just spinning and spinning while the rest of my body is hollow. The demons and the visionaries. Demented and inventive. Suggestive and provocative.

I am a phantom. I hear noises. All around me. The roar of the TV. The chatter of a couple people. The refrigerator running. I can't distinguish any of it when I close my eyes. Mangled together, making no sense at all. I guess that makes sense. Right?

I take deep breaths. Trying to slow down my thoughts. They are ruling me tonight. I close my eyes. Try to be aware of my feelings. What do I feel? Worthless. Not sure if that is a feeling or a fact. I feel useless. I feel sad. Very sad. I may be unhappy. I don't even know the meaning of happy. How can I even know what the opposite means? It's all confusion. I don't think confusion is a feeling. I believe it is a thought. Then again, the heart can be confused. So, I guess it can be a feeling, too. Learned something new tonight. Go figure.

I can't illustrate this tonight. I should paint this twisted creature of mine on a canvas. It may be easier to depict. I am dishearten. My thoughts are belittling me. There is little-to no graphic suicidal thoughts. They are not diabolical in nature tonight.

"You are worthless. You are useless. You cannot be loved. There is nothing good about you. You're wasting other people's air". It's a narrative in my mind. I hear my own voice. Voices of others, as well. Toxicity of the brain. Pure poison. And all I can do is simply nod in agreement. There is nothing to argue.

I am having difficulty to find strength inside of me tonight. Weaken, my mind is overran. Controlled by some mystifying illness. Telling me I am insignificant.

I close my eyes. I try to tap into my senses. "OK. Here we go T.J.", I tell myself. I use my strongest sense first. My ability to smell. I can't smell anything. I guess it is staying with tonight's theme- Nothing. I look around the Unit. The colours are dull. Nothing appeals to me. Nothing is moving. It's all lifeless. I now hear Family Guy on TV in the background. It's my favorite show. I don't even have the mood, energy, or attitude to go watch it. My touch is my fingers to this pen. They are sweaty fingers. My mouth is dry. Not hungry. I may have a drink of water, which tastes like...wait for it T.J. ........Nothing!

Even my senses are beating me down tonight. Telling me the truth as well. I don't wish I was brain dead. If 'thought dead' was a thing, I be inclined to find out more about it.

It's almost medication time. Last night it was ten pills; seven short of a pack of Smarties. I don't dream anymore. If I do, I don't remember it. I can't recall my last dream. Nightmares? Well, I have those while I am awake. It seems more like reality when you're awake. I have numbness throughout my body while fireworks are going off in my head. Quite the paradox, indeed.

This is the problem; it is self-inflicting pain, but not of the suicidal nature. It's a demoralizing pain. Once again, nothing has triggered this. It's as if I am my own worst enemy and I cannot defeat it. Well, I can, but the thoughts are not leading me there tonight.

Only option I feel I have is to endure. To bare down, hold on, and take the internal abuse until my eyes close on this day. It won't be easy. I cannot distract these thoughts. Even the journaling tonight hasn't help. Just a instantaneous reminder of how worthless, sad, and depressed I am.

I feel dizzy. The cogs of the wheel are working extra hard tonight. What can I fight back with? Well, the ten pills of medication will be a good first attack. Then the brain chemistry takes over. How much more can the mind take? It is always full of negative thoughts. How resistant will I be?

The following morning.

I don't even remember writing that last paragraph. My writing was awful and it didn't make much sense to me. I am writing this paragraph a day later.

I got through last night, but it was another early morning. 5:00 am I believe. Too early when I am getting very little sleep as is. I have negative self-thoughts again today. It sucks.

But as much as this sucks, I am still here. I survived the night. It was like a scene in the movie Twister. I knew the storm was coming. I seen it in the distance. Coming straight for me. I rushed to the storm cellar. I barred the hatch. The storm is getting closer. Almost directly over me. But I am holding on tight. Not giving in. I can't. The storm is figuratively made up in my mind, but just a powerful as the real thing. I am strong enough to hold on. I am strong enough to survive. I can get through this. I am not alone anymore. I am inspired. It is not easy. It never will be anymore. Toughness. Endurance. Character. Attitude. Perseverance. Strength. Friends. Family.

"If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm."
                                                             - Frank Lane

Yours Truly, 

T.J, Smith

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