Wednesday 15 June 2016

Going to Keep Going- June 12, 2016

I get why people may be embarrassed or ashamed to seek help for Mental Health Illnesses. When I first began to document my excursion with my Depression, I wanted to help myself. I needed help from others to get better. There is no shame in that. That’s why we have friends and families. That’s why there are doctors and nurses. All people to help others. What I started to realize once I spoke of my illness publicly, I began to help others. I am a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Just a young man from Newfoundland trying to find his way in life. There are good days and there are bad days. The bad days suck. They are hell. The good days are easy, so to speak, in comparison with the difficult ones.

I am trying to enjoy my good days more. Take my time and slow life down. The bad days though, they don’t seem to end. Time almost stands still, but in a bad way. It can be torturing. Fighting is not easy. It takes a lot to get through the bad days or moments.

But you’re there. All of you that message me or talk to me. You are helping, even if it is in the smallest way. You don’t know how much kind words, or a hug can mean to someone that is struggling with Depression. It gives me hope and strength. It helps them believe that life is worth fighting for. It is a sign that someone cares.

This time last week, I was sleeping. I slept the day away. I didn’t want to wake up at all. Ever again, even. But that day is now behind me. It was tough. Very tough. I must admit, I was somewhat naïve. I thought I could be ‘cured’. That’s not going to happen in the foreseeable future. Maybe further along in life, as I develop as a person and get stronger. I watched the ‘Resurrection of Jake the Snake Roberts’ last night. There was a line he said. “This addiction will be with me for life.” Powerful sentence. Made me realize I am in the same boat, just with my Depression. It will be with me for majority of my life. It is mine to wear. Mine to battle. I am not too proud to say that I will need help along the way. I will need lots of it. But that’s why you let certain people in your life. People that can help. People that care. Greatness does not happen by mistake. You have to strive for it. Fight for it. Earn it. It isn’t handed out to anyone. It takes work.

So why fight when you are down? I won’t lie, it is easier to stay down and quit. Here is some knowledge; only the weak quit. Only they give up, especially when times are tough or faced with adversity. You’re not weak if you ask someone for a hand or help. That takes courage. Don’t be too proud to become strong. You need others to become strong. Leaning on other people for help is not a bad thing.

A letdown leads to an opportunity. Options, actually. Two options. Let the letdown take a negative effect on your life by letting it get to you. Or option number two- the letdown motivates you.
My prescription for one of my medications has run out. Don’t worry. I am sure the doctor would have refilled it if it was necessary. Just another trial for me. Can I be OK without my meds? We are going to find out. It may be the hard way where I end up in the hospital again. So be it. I am not against or too proud or ashamed to go back to the hospital. I am not suggesting I want to. I am saying, this is new territory for me not taking this certain medication. If I cannot cope or handle the Depression, I will admit myself again. I will not let it get to the point where I want to jump off the MacKay Bridge in Halifax. Thought has crossed my mind before, and to be honest, if I was to kill myself, that would be right up there as how I would. And no, that doesn’t make me crazy. That means I suffer from Depression and thoughts like that cross my mind. Don’t be alarmed, I am in control, as of now.

Before seeking help, I didn’t know such a thing was possible. Honestly, and excuse my language, I thought if you had Depression, you were fucked. How many of you thought the same thing? Ignorance is more common than we think. And I am not saying you are an ignorant person. My bet is that you were never educated on Mental Health Illnesses. Leading to untrue conclusions about Mental Health issues.

I am not going to lose. I am too strong. I am going to make a difference in others’ lives. I am going to help people. I am getting a tattoo next month with the words ‘Hope’, ‘Inspiration’, ‘Strength’ inscribe on my skin. Those words will stay with me until death. And wherever I go people will ask, “What does that mean?” I will answer proudly, “It means I have Depression and I refuse to quit.”
I close my eyes. I can see the end game. I am not scared of dying. It’s an inevitable truth. But it is the process we need to learn to enjoy. Life is the process. I said to another coach last week, “Hockey consumed my life, 365 days a year 24/7.” Yes, I love it, but along the journey, I forgot, actually, never learned, to enjoy other aspects of life.

So, my choice? My choice is to live and enjoy life. I have reminders that keep me going. I wake up and open my eyes. That is a battle for me, for anyone who suffers with Depression. Believe it or not, opening my eyes is an accomplishment. First victory of the day. On to the next; get out of bed. I kid you not. Small victories lead to bigger triumphs.

“How do I keep going?”, I ask myself. Believe it or not, it is the easiest question to answer. I keep going because people inspire me to take my next breath. Whether it is my son, my parents, my family, my sister, my friends, or even strangers- I keep going because of all of you, because of the support. It makes me strong. Every message or comment goes a long way in helping this young man continue to battle. People, in my opinion, are the strongest weapon on Earth. It is up to people if they want to use that weapon for good or for bad. Anyone that has reached out to me, you are one of the good ones. Caring about others is something I could not feel before. I feel it now. You have built my heart and help fill the emptiness in my soul. Your kindness has helped save my life. That’s the power people, together, can have. And together, we are going to end the Stigma behind Mental Health. I will see it in my lifetime. Because I believe in people. Deep down in all of us, there is something special. We all have the capacity to care for others. Some of us have yet to find it. Don’t worry, you will. Took me 29 years to find it in me.

Never give up on your dreams. Do not settle for less. Always strive for perfection, because you may never reach perfection, but along the way, you will find excellence. Laugh with the sinners and cry with the saints; who said you can’t do both? Don’t break the rules, but definitely push the boundaries. Success is not given, it is taken and earned. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. Be humble and kind. Express love and smile often. Don’t hide the tears, they symbolize your heart and soul. Be who you want to be and not what someone else expects. It is your life and you live it however you want, whether you have a Mental Illness or not. You get one shot at this wonderful thing a lot of people take for granted. I encourage living it to the fullness. You never know where you may find happiness. Don’t live life unhappy. That choice is yours.

“If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved.”
                                                                                    - Maurice Chevalier
Yours Truly,

T.J. Smith

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