Tuesday 18 October 2016

Highway of Thoughts and Feelings- October 18, 2016

Change is vital to me and my battle. Without it, I would be losing or worse, dead. Continuing down the path I was on would have brought me to my demise. Something had to be done. The past ten months have been the wildest and most dynamic part of my life. A lot has changed. A lot had to change. And I am still changing.

I do not fear change. Many people do. Accustomed to their ways or rituals or routine. That`s fine. There is nothing wrong with it at all. My life had to change. My habits had to change. My behaviour had to change. My attitude had to change. Almost everything had to change. Change saved my life.
I am not 100% sure where I should start on the things I changed, so I am going to start at the very top.
My thoughts and feelings.

Can I change the depressive thoughts or negative feelings that I encounter daily? No. I cannot and I know that now. What I am trying to change is how I deal with that. I may never be able to get rid of the Depression completely. So, what do I do? I have to develop a method to live with the illness.

I am beginning to meditate. It is amazing how much ten minutes can make a difference in your day. There is a saying I came across once, it went something like this; “if you can’t find twenty minutes to yourself to meditate, you need to find an hour.” I understand that. Anyways, in my meditation today, the narrator used an unbelievably simple analogy. We cannot halt our thoughts and we cannot neglect our feelings. They are coming, whether we like them or not. He referenced our thoughts and feelings as if it was traffic on the highway and we sat on the side of the road. It’s a highway so there will be vehicles. The vehicles are passing by. Different sizes. Different speeds. All different. It is when we try to stop those vehicles or chase them is when we get in trouble. If we stepped onto the middle of the highway, are we going to stop a car going 100 KMH? Not a chance. We would get ran over and hurt badly. Or imagine chasing a truck down the highway. If you were lucky enough to catch it, you would be completely exhausted from the chase. Therefore, chasing our thoughts and feelings can leave us exhausted and hurt, amongst other things.

So what can we do?

I know personally, I am having these up and down thoughts. I am trying to begin to be an onlooker from the side of the road. So, once a truck passes by, I acknowledge that truck (or thought), wave to it, accept it, and let it pass on by. I will still be there waiting for the next one. Like a highway, there are times when our minds are busier than others. There are good weather days and there are bad weather days. Some days there are very nice cars that pass and sometimes there is the same old rusty, beat up truck you saw yesterday. Sometimes there are new cars. Sometimes there are accidents we can't control. There are small cars and big transport trucks. They are carrying someone or something different. For me, the big transport trucks filled with Depression attract me. I am a sucker for them. Always trying to catch up and see what is it them. When I get there, I am disappointed.

At night, all we can see are the lights in the distance. Not entirely sure what kind of vehicle is approaching do to the darkness. In the fog, some vehicles forget to put their fog lights on and are on top of you before you know it. It gets slippery in the rain and snow, but most vehicles slow down then. I am trying to not chase the traffic or jump out to stop it. That will kill me. More ways than one

To sum it up, I am treating my thoughts and feelings as the traffic on the highway and teaching myself to be on the side of the road letting they all pass. No need to chase anything. No need to stop them. They are coming anyways, so I will accept that and let them pass by.

I am also trying to change my attitude. Thus far, I think it has been pretty sound during my fight. I truly believe attitude is one element of our lives we can control. Whether you’re battling cancer, approaching 100 years of age, have a sick child, jobless, trouble finding a partner, or financial issues, you decide the attitude you have towards life. There will be challenges in life. You can complain and complain about things, but it is up to you to do something about it. I have changed my attitude towards life as a whole. I am trying to be more mindful and appreciate each moment. I even catch myself telling myself to slow down at times. I am learning. I will get there.

Negative thinking breathes negative results. If you believe you are going to give up and quit, guess what you’re probably going to do? This past Saturday, I was very close to acting upon my negative thoughts. It was a tough night filled with cruel thoughts and unearthly feelings. But I learned through my newfound meditation method that I have to treat it like a highway.

I won’t leave you to imagine or guess what I mean. I will tell you from my own example.
So, one of the thoughts I had Saturday been to drive to Halifax and jump off the MacKay Bridge. For those that do not know, that is the bridge over Halifax harbour that connects Halifax to Dartmouth. But with that idea, it led me to feelings and other thoughts. First, of course, was my son. The first image/thought was him being a teenager about to graduate from high school. I saw his graduation ceremony. His mother and his step-father were there. I was not. It made me cry. The second thought was my parents at my funeral service. I am not trying to make this a sad story, rather share that these are the thoughts, not actions; I dealt with the other night. Third, I thought about the kids I am currently coaching. I get it. When I am dead, life will carry on. People will mourn. No big deal.

That’s what I deal with on my bad nights. The traffic of thoughts and feelings tell me, rather, lie to me. I am forever growing and developing. I feel I learned a new way to cope with those thoughts and feelings. Just like the cars on the highway, I know they are coming; I just need to accept it and let them drive right on by. No need to interrupt or fight it. I can’t stop them. Too big and powerful. They may be too dark or fast, as well. But I am beginning to learn that is OK. It is OK to have negative thoughts or feelings. How we handle them is the difference between living and dying.

So if you are reading this and you have recently had bad thoughts, I am telling you that it is OK. It may take awhile to understand that, I know that as well. Don’t fight the negativity. That's a tough fight to win. Rather, accept the feelings and thoughts, whether they are bad or good. Acknowledge them and be aware that you have negative thoughts or feelings. It is just like when people fall in love. Love is a great, emotional feeling. Should we fight it? Never. If something made you feel happy, would you look to fight that feeling? No, you welcome that feeling and how it makes you feel. It is OK to think and feel- whether it is positive or negative. The biggest challenge is to accept the bad with the good. It is the difficult thoughts or heartbreaking feelings that will build-up your character, your resiliency, and your strength. I will never give up and I will never let you give up. We are in this together and I am standing by you the whole way.

Saturday I wanted to give up.

Today I found a new way to find hope.

I didn’t quit.

Neither will you.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress."
                                         - Frederick Douglass

Yours Truly, 

T. J. Smith

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